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- From: "Rainer Riedl" <Rainer.Riedl@edi.ngate.uni-regensburg.de>
- Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 16:16:12 MET-1
- Subject: Re: shortcuts (was: MAUS)
- Priority: normal
- Message-Id: <92FAF4366B@edi.ngate.uni-regensburg.de>
- Precedence: bulk
- > > With many other programs (especially for UNIX), Ctrl-A moved the cursor
- > > to the beginning of the line, and Ctrl-E moves to then end. Maybe we
- > > should use those assignments.
- >
- > On the Atari those functions are usually assigned to shift-left arrow
- > and shift-right arrow. I like these and they were once defined by Atari
- I think that's better than <Ctrl-A/E>, because this method is much easier to
- keep in mind and the <Ctrl-A/E> is free for other usefull things.
- (I think <Ctrl-E> is for 'e'nd, but what is the 'A' for? In German it would
- be 'Anfang' [=beginning] and 'Ende', but UNIX isn't German?!)
- <Shift-up/down arrow> should be something like 'page up/down' and <Ctrl-
- (shift)-up/down> something like 'go to the beginning/end'.
- > If it ever comes to a vote, I like ctrl-A, because the A is intuitive
- > in many languages: 'All' in English 'Alles' in Dutch, 'Alles' in German
- I think the same.
- bye,
- Rainer